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Incanto – new cd release

03:20 PM  /  Category: Senza categoria  / 

New cd release for label Silentes/Stella Nera

Roberto Dani
Forme Sonore Ensemble


Forme Sonore , Compositional processes in a open Form’s field, represents a deep investigation on Form’s concept with a particular attention to the relationship between sound, body and images/symbols.
It is focused on improvisation as a real-time compositional process.
Forme Sonore Ensemble is a band lineup that started during the 2018 Edition and continued  during the years to develope his own musical research.

Forme Sonore Ensemble

Roberto Dani – drums
Cecile Delzant – violin
Maria Borsato – sythesizers
Paolo Guarneri – keyboards
Andrea Fabris – drums
Paolo Possidente – drums and electronic



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